
The Schreibmotorik Institute is a non-profit, non-university research institute in the field of education. Our focus is on researching educationally relevant topics such as early intervention, individual support, digitalization in the school system, handedness, linking reading and writing skills, the use of AI in the educational context and the interdisciplinary promotion of handwriting across all stages of life.

To this end, we carry out publicly funded research projects, national and international collaborations and independent projects. We offer new approaches to education based on scientific findings and practical experience of methodological and didactic issues.

Our main areas of activity include

  • the transfer of scientific findings into educational practice,
  • the development of practice-oriented teaching and learning materials
  • advising educational institutions and stakeholders
    conducting seminars and training courses for educators, therapists and professionals in the education and health sectors.

Research transfer

An essential part of the Schreibmotorik institutes work is the transfer of knowledge. Research findings are made available to educational institutions and the general public. Through specialist publications, the institute helps to transfer the latest findings from research into practice.


The institute combines expertise from the fields of education, psychology, neurology, occupational therapy, writing motor skills, ergonomics, linguistics, didactics and medicine. This interdisciplinary approach makes it possible to provide comprehensive and well-founded answers to the complex requirements of our topics.
